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How do companies do Baidu Q&A? What are the benefits of Q&A marketing?
2021-08-19 11:00:36

How about Mi phones? Which laptop is more suitable for office work? I believe that when you encounter these problems, you will definitely search through Baidu. And this is the question-and-answer marketing we are going to talk about below, that is, word-of-mouth marketing.
Whether it is a company, a product or a person, if you want more people to trust and choose, you need to do Q&A marketing. Because of the Q&A, your potential customers can see your information or understand your product when they search.
So how do companies do Q&A marketing?
First, determine the direction of the question and answer. If you want to do brand promotion, then the content of the question should be close to the brand exposure, for example: how about the media box? Which news publishing platform is better? Q&A marketing which is more professional? Such questions can have a lot of questions in the eyes, and then give targeted answers. When answering, you must do a good job in the content of brand exposure.
If you want to do product exposure, then the question of choice can be: How to do news release? What brand of printer is easy to use? Laptop models suitable for office workers, etc. Then provide professional, reliable and effective answers to these questions.
What platforms are available for Q&A marketing?
Baidu knows, Baidu experience, Zhihu Q&A, Sogou Q&A, 360 Q&A, Wukong Q&A and so on. These Q&A platforms have high traffic, and the traffic obtained through Q&A is more targeted.
What can the media box do? Media Box is a professional marketing planning company that can help companies conduct professional Q&A marketing planning. According to customer needs, industry, product characteristics, etc., edit and write related question and answer content, and have a high-level account to publish. In addition to targeted exposure, it can even help companies do a good job in search and placeholders.