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How to build a brand?
2021-08-19 10:33:37

To answer a question first, what is a brand? Everyone knows the brand. So another question, everyone knows, but they don’t buy, is such a brand valuable? The answer is no.

There are too many such products on the market that are not popular. The promotion of this bluff is very lively. When the sales volume is only in the single digits, how bitter the boss is, do you know?

Why does this happen? Through the recent years of product operation and promotion in the Internet and traditional industries, as well as dealing with all kinds of bosses and responsible persons.

I found that they all have a misunderstanding of thinking that the sales conversion of the product is real-time, that is, when the advertisement is launched on the same day, there will be a purchase conversion on the same day, and sales will rise, and the same is true for brand building.

This thinking cannot be said to be completely wrong, because the effect of advertising is indeed like this, that is, the effect is effective when you vote, especially the five types of mobile games, APP, and black products, which are very suitable for placing effect advertising.

But the biggest problem with performance advertising is that it’s impossible to build a brand. So when I saw a meal replacement product that was madly launched in Moments of Friends ads recently, I was stunned. This is not taking the money from the owner’s father at all. Be the money.

The reason for the above conclusion is that the building of a brand needs to go through three stages: visibility, recognition and loyalty. The three stages can be shortened by full coverage advertising, but they must not be skipped.

Next, I will tell you about these three degrees in detail. After understanding these three degrees, you will know why you have not been able to make a brand.


The first stage: visibility

Popularity refers to how many people have seen our brand. This is the product promotion in our daily work. We do all kinds of grass-growing, light box advertisements, and information flow advertisements to let more people know our brand.

Those companies invested by the father of the funder, when the company is not profitable, frantically smashed advertisements, the purpose is to win the attention of users and create a brand.

If the company has sufficient budget, it can bring some effects through staged advertising. If the company's budget is insufficient, it can only do one or two advertisements, and it is a bit difficult to make a brand.

In terms of planting grass for Nadas, when I launched FMCG products, I put dozens of experts at the beginning, but it did not bring any obvious conversion.

At one time I wondered if this road was unworkable, and later I continued to vote for dozens of people. When I put more than one hundred talents, Taobao's off-site traffic gradually increased. You must know that the dozens of later puts did not Why is the effect suddenly better when there is an explosive article? This is actually a process from quantitative change to qualitative change.

The understanding of this point is what I realized when I launched my new book "Full Stack Operation Master" recently. When a new book is published, it must be pushed hard to make a wave of sales. Immediately, a soft advertisement was posted on the WeChat Moments, Wei Toutiao and other portals, and it did bring sales, as if about 50 copies were sold.

You know, there are close to 5,000 people on WeChat, and only 50 copies are sold, which is lower than expected. If the turnover rate is 1%, then 500 copies can be sold.

The conclusion reached at that time was that the market for paper books is indeed dying, everyone is reading e-books, and the demand for paper books has weakened.

When I posted the Moments later, I didn't deliberately advertise, I just shouted occasionally: Selling books! Selling books! What surprised me was that every time I called, several people would come to consult and finally place an order.

I have also paid special attention to this. These people knew about the book at the beginning, and they didn't place an order before. They hesitated to place an order when they got my recommendations (ads) many times.

Relying on this kind of repeated screen scanning, the sales volume far exceeds the first wave of orders. Because it is a small wave of users facing a fixed number of users, the whole process from knowing to cognition to closing is very deep. Understand a truth.

Are there users who place an order the first time they see an ad? Yes, everyone's personality is different, and some people have outrageous personalities, so there is something to buy when you see it. But is it too much? It's really not much. The buying habit of most people requires multiple investigations and repeated calculations before deciding whether to buy.

Before buying, some people also specifically look for the catalog of the book I want to go to to determine whether it is necessary to purchase. See it, everyone’s decision-making path is different.

But many bosses mistakenly believe that all users are the former, and they buy when they see it, and they are not the target users if they do not buy. With this kind of thinking, the difficulty of advertising and branding has suddenly increased. It is really picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.


Stage 2: Awareness

Why is the sales volume after continuous refreshing much larger than the first wave? It is because by refreshing the screen, the product's popularity to users gradually turns into awareness.

Awareness refers to the user's understanding of the product, which is different from popularity. Awareness is just that users have heard about you, and awareness is that users have not only heard about it, but they also know clearly what features your product has and whether they are what they need.

I continue to use my book selling as an example. When the book came out, I still pushed it in three operating groups. Like the advertisements posted in the Moments of Friends, when everyone read this book for the first time, several people placed an order to buy it. Others are watching more. What are they watching? Do I want to buy it? Is this book worth 60 yuan?

This psychological process was also discovered later, and with hindsight, I really missed a lot.

In keeping with the operator’s habit of tossing, I also made two fun emoticons at the time. With this book as the background, I added the words "study hard and read every day" and "I am a scholar". In the beginning, I made this thing purely for fun. Now, who doesn’t have a few emoticons of their own?

When this emoji often appeared in the group, it was unexpected that there was a private message from a small partner that I was going to buy a book. He said this: "Seeing that many people have bought it, I also want to buy a copy." Subtext what does it mean? I already know this product very well and I can place an order.

Therefore, everyone must understand the above-mentioned case well. The birth of a brand is definitely not brought about by a one-time exposure, but by continuously refreshing the screen and entering the minds of users to have the opportunity to make a brand.

At that time, I promoted fast-moving consumer goods in Xiaohongshu, and later pushed more talented people to bring the effect, which is essentially similar to how I swiped the screen in the circle of friends many times and showed up in front of the same user many times, which brought more Many deals.

In the past, when the performance advertisement was put on, the user did not click on the first impression, and the second impression was still not clicked. You must know that if the performance advertisement user does not click, there will be no deduction. From the perspective of ROI, this It's not cost-effective, users do not order, there is no customer acquisition, and there is no profit. But from the perspective of brand building, this is the rhythm of making a lot of money.

As long as it is the target user, even if the user does not place an order after the first few ads, the user will start to wonder what the function of this product is, how many people have used it, and whether it is suitable for me? If users have the answers to these questions, congratulations everyone, users will have recognition of our products, and with recognition, they will be one step closer to building a brand.


Stage 3: Loyalty

I only drink milk from Yili, I eat instant noodles only with Master Kong, and I buy shoes only with Adi's, etc. What is this? This is the user's loyalty to the product. Once there is loyalty, then the brand will come out.

I think it is the long-cherished wish of every boss to gain the loyalty of users to their own products.

Let’s ask a question in the opposite direction. You want to make users loyal to your own products all day long. Have you ever thought about how to provide better products and services to meet user needs? If you haven't thought about this, don't think about brand loyalty, because loyalty is mutual.

Any brand on the market with user loyalty is not a master of product development, such as Apple mobile phones. Take me as an example, why I always choose to drink Yili's milk, because of the milk incident at that time, it was not on the list, safe and assured, I will never leave it.

Cultivate user loyalty and establish a connection with users. The current private domain traffic is a good way to play. There is no smooth communication between merchants and users. Unlike in the past, when products are sold, users want to feedback suggestions. Can't even find the door. Some merchants now give users a review even before the product is on the market.

To say that such a business is quite a thief, others only gain loyalty after they have gained popularity and recognition. They are better, they first engage in loyalty as soon as they come up, and such products are invincible as soon as they are introduced to the market.

There is an Internet celebrity coffee that does this. After the product goes on the market, you don't need much promotion. These loyal experts will spontaneously plant the product. As a result, the brand will soon be up. Until now, people are still playing with users very well. The more loyalty they play, the deeper the brand naturally becomes more and more stable.


at last

Everyone only needs to understand that the building of a brand needs to go through these three stages. Don't think that there will be a brand with exposure. Remember, it is necessary to continue exposure in front of the same group of people, coupled with the high quality of the product itself, and finally it is possible to form a brand.

Because many people have misunderstandings about brand building, there are problems such as unsustainable exposure during execution, poor product quality, and inability to play with users, so it is not surprising that 98% of companies cannot create a brand.

Because of the difficulty, there is a threshold, because there is a threshold, when we really make a brand, then it is not far from the days when we lie down and count money.